Konica Minolta - 832HG

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X T 1 j m T 1 iu ictrLi kk Printlink Series Imager Network Building Support by Printlink Printlink5 IV ID IN The Printlink5 IV ID unit provides an open network environment for imager systems by con verting signals from non DICOM diagnostic devices into the DICOM 3 0 Print Management Service Class international standard protocol Printlink5 IV is used with modalities that out put NTSC or PAL video Printlink5 ID is used with modalities that output 8 bit or 10 bit paral lel digital DB 37 or DB 50 connector Printlink5 IN can extract patient information from the non DICOM image data via an automatic optical character recognition function The patient information can then be used on print overlays or to enhance network functionality by fa ...